
在Herman Miller,我们试图以创新方式去管理我们的工作、所用工具、涉及的技术以及大家可以聚集在一起完成工作的办公场所。

撰稿人: Mindy Koschmann

视频制作: The Work

Living Office

Design Yard(设计院)

查看Herman Miller如何为其员工创建Living Office。

Herman Miller为办公环境带来独特的人性视角,特别是在我们称之为家的地方。我们认为,未来属于人际网络,人际网络将使我们完成更伟大的事业。我们不仅在公司内外构建人际网络,如今,更是不断地在本地以及全球构建人际网。

为了促进上述的发展需求,我们最近着手改变位于西密歇根的家:设计庭院(Design Yard),旨在将其改造成为一个能提供全面支持的地方,使个人及其人际网能在企业内有优异表现。我们期望,“设计庭院”通过呈现一个共同目标的团队氛围使员工更团结,以此激励员工去展示最优异的工作表现。

Our Plaza setting is the vibrant and dynamic heart of the landscape, where people can come together and intuitively take the pulse of the organization.


A forty-foot-long coffee bar offers a place to socialize and get work done.



-Mark Beckman, Engineer

A playful mix of classic and contemporary designs offers a diverse array of places for people to socialize, converse, and work.


The floorplan is designed to foster creativity, ease collaboration and workflow, and inspire people to do their best work.



We refer to our e-Business team's space as a Clubhouse, a working neighborhood with a variety of individual and group work points that enable people to move freely between tasks.


The new layout is highly collaborative and supportive of an individual's need for focus. People can retreat to semi-private workstations when they need to concentrate on complex tasks.



-Bryan Showers, Manager of e-Business Integration

In the Brand Design group's Hive setting each team member has a home, and a place to get their individual work done in proximity to others.


Long, centralized benches provide individual work points as well as ample space for co-creation.


Residents can stow personal belongings or work tools in storage lining the perimeter.




This Cove setting, a group space adjacent to the North American Marketing team's individual workstations, allows people to assemble and engage with one another for a short period of time.


In the design of every Meeting Space, considerations for remote participants are as important as those in the room.


Three semi-enclosed Haven settings just off our Plaza offer people places for private phone calls or to power through their work.


Havens allow for concentrative, focused work without distractions, and are places where people can retreat and unwind.


“设计庭院的材料、艺术品和手工艺作品用视觉表达方式诠释了Herman Miller的传统、创造力和以人为本的设计。”

-Mindy Koschmann,作家/编辑


Designed to support the presentation of content, this enclosed Forum has clear points of focus for everyone in the room.


Not far from the Plaza, along a highly trafficked pathway, a bar-height counter provides the Customer Experience Team, and others‚ place to get work done between appointments.


A library just off the Plaza accommodates individuals' needs for privacy and focus.



我们不断改进设计庭院,确保它可以不断改善我们的工作体验。它将永远是Herman Miller实现理论并且得以激发员工全部潜能的办公空间。

A long, bar-height bench next to the Education group's space is a favorite spot for quick huddles and brainstorming sessions.


This technology-enabled, enclosed Meeting Space offers everyone a clear line of sight when information is shared.


The Executive Leadership Team's space acts much like a working neighborhood, where close proximity is driving collaboration and decision-making.


The materials, artwork, and artifacts at the Design Yard are a visual expression of our legacy, creativity, and our human-centered approach to design.

设计庭院的材料、艺术品和手工艺作品用视觉表达方式诠释了Herman Miller的传统、创造力和以人为本的设计。

With all of the executives working in one place, decisions that would normally take weeks can now be resolved with a quick conversation.


When the team needs to gather, they can retreat to a Cove, a setting that offers comfortable seating, white boards, and technology that allows the team to share information.


Outside the Executive Leadership Team space, co-workers stop for an impromptu chat in a pair of Ward Bennett-designed Sled Chairs.

在行政管理团队的办公空间外,员工可以停下来,坐在Ward Bennett设计的雪橇椅中进行临时起义的即兴聊天。

图片由Mark Mahaney提供。