User support and maintenance of Z-Axis ended on June 30, 2019. The software remains available for your use, free of charge, but product data (including pricing) may not be accurate.
Z-Axis Full Install (version 60)
Z-Axis is an interactive, 3D space planning tool for office furniture salespeople and designers that enables customers to envision what their spaces will look like. It allows customers to visualize spaces large and small in great detail, share their vision across conference tables or continents, and generate orders.
Before installing version 60, uninstall Z-Axis v59 and Z-Viewer v59. Afterward, remove any remaining files from the following folders (assuming Z-Axis was installed on your C: drive):
C:\Program Files (x86)\HMI\Z-Axis
C:\Program Files (x86)\HMI\Z-Viewer
This will allow for a clean install of Z-Axis and Z-Viewer v60.
Z-Axis Update (for Z-Axis version 60)
Z-Axis is updated periodically to extend access to the software.
Z-Viewer Install
Z-Viewer is intended for customers to make it easy for them to collaborate electronically with others. Z-Viewer lets people interactively view 3D floor plans and typicals e-mailed to them by their Herman Miller dealer or representative.
Customers can spin, zoom, and pan through these textured 3D simulations as well as view specification and order details. They can share these files with colleagues and even send the files back with notes, comments, or questions.
Software under license from Herman Miller, Inc. All rights reserved. All other trade-, register-, or service-related items listed in this software are the properties of their respective owners.
© 2001-2019 Herman Miller, Inc.
© 2001-2019 Herman Miller, Inc.