
Learning Spaces

Bring space and instruction into alignment.
Aligning kinds of formal learning spaces to new ways of teaching and learning creates endless opportunities to encourage and strengthen student/faculty interactions.

 A selection of OE1 Workspace Collection products including OE1 Micro Packs, OE1 Nooks, OE1 Agile Wall and OE1 Storage Trolleys are featured in a study hall setting.
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A student checks her smartphone while relaxing with her feet up on a blue loveseat formed from Swoop modular seating elements. 


Formal learning spaces that adapt to and even take advantage of tomorrow's changes create new opportunities and increase the effectiveness of the space.


A key indicator of student success is engagement. Formal learning spaces that foster peer-to-peer and student-faculty interactions increase the level of students' participation and the odds of their success.

A corridor in an academic building; some students walk between classes while others relax in blue and gray Swoop Arm Chairs. 
Abstract art decorates the wall behind two student workpoints outfitted with monitors, a shared work surface, and red stools. 


Many formal learning spaces do not have the luxury of outdoor vistas and natural daylighting. Consider opportunities for connecting to nature through color, lighting, and displays of students' work.

College students participate in a study group while sitting in white Sayl Chairs. 


Students report the need for comfortable seating in formal learning spaces. Other key elements of a healthful formal learning space include ergonomics, air quality, and lighting.

Three college students work in a study area featuring blue and green Embody Chairs.


For a formal learning space to be resourceful, it must not only meet the needs of the students, but also must support the expected learning outcomes.


Many aspects of sustainability are pertinent to formal learning spaces. Consider creating formal learning space that incorporates sustainable technology.

A male college student reclines in a red Magis Spun Chair with a white Magis Spun Chair nearby. 

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