Sit-to-Stand is Here to Stay

How to ensure it benefits your people and your organization

A collaborative office setting featuring a long Locale workbase, two sit-to-stand desks, and a blue Mirra 2 office chair.

Take a Stand for Movement

Combined with good chairs, height-adjustable work surfaces provide the variety people need to sit well, stand well, and be well.

An illustration of a blue bar graph.

Foster Health

Movement leads to better physical—and financial—health, setting the stage for performance, well-being and even happiness.

An illustration of a man standing between an office chair and a standing-height work surface.

Strike a Balance

Standing all day is not the cure for sitting all day. Alternating between the two during the day is best.

An illustration of a Locale workspace with an adjustable desk positioned at standing height.

Boost Movement

Some people do work that keeps them at their desks all day. They need movement more than anyone. A sit-to-stand solution gives it to them, right at their desks.

Two images. In one, a man works at a sit-to-stand table. In the other, four colleagues gather round a standing-height table.


Discover the Herman Miller Difference

We have a comprehensive understanding of the nature of work that leads to a more natural and desirable experience for people, no matter where they sit and stand.

Robert Propst, inventor of the Action Office system, perches on a stool to work at a standing-height surface.


In 1968, Robert Propst wrote, “Man’s physical machine has evolved to do many things well but no single thing continuously. ...the office can be a kinetic active, alert, vigorous environment.” His Action Office System featured a stand-up desk, which he argued “would do more than anything else to overcome sedentary decline.” We’ve offered standing surfaces ever since.

Adjacent workstations equipped with sit-to-stand surfaces, one positioned at seated height and one at standing height.


At its best, design is a response to social change; we developed Living Office in response to the evolution of work. A purposeful variety of settings helps people feel more creative, connected, and engaged in their work. So does purposeful movement. Our ongoing ergonomic research shows the combination of sitting, standing, and moving in varying amounts is vital, especially at the desk.

A woman and man share a laugh while seated at an oval table.


Research shows that a choice between sitting and standing combined with training on the benefits of postural change is most effective at reducing sitting time, which benefits both the individual and the organization. Our Ergonomics Consultants can help organizations reduce risk factors while increasing employee health, comfort, and productivity.


Provide Movement for Everyone

Explore our complete portfolio of sit-to-stand solutions.

Designed by Brian Alexander

Renew Link

Renew Link makes standing desk systems better, helping organizations condense their real estate footprint while improving employee health and focus. By accommodating both sitting and standing work postures, Renew Link brings a new level of individual choice to shared work environments.

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A Renew Link standing desk system with eight work surfaces, blue fabric screens, and blue and white Mirra 2 office chairs. Two of the work surfaces are raised to standing height.
A Renew standing desk with light gray legs and dark wood work surface raised to standing height.

Designed by Brian Alexander

Renew Sit-to-Stand Tables

Renew Sit-to-Stand Tables make moving from sitting to standing—and back again—a natural part of your day. Combine one with a great chair for a full range of supported movement. A soft, paddle-shaped switch activates the powered height adjustment over a range of seated and standing heights. Renew’s thoughtful design looks good from all angles, even when the table is raised.

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Motia Sit-to-Stand Tables

Moving with workers and their workflow, Motia enables a smooth transition between sitting and standing. Designed with quality, minimal materials, and available in various finishes, Motia makes height adjustability easy to afford, easy to use, and easy to integrate in any setting.

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A Motia standing desk with dark gray legs and white work surface raised to standing height.
Two people talking at a standing-height work surface in the middle of an office setting.


Go deeper

Learn more about the thinking behind our solutions and about how they help other organizations accomplish their objectives.

Sit. Stand. Move. Repeat.

Learn more about the importance of moving as a natural part of your workday.

Harry's: A Cut Above

Learn how sit-to-stand creates a working neighborhood for one team in this fast-growing startup..