The result of continuous experimentation

After the end of World War II, Charles and Ray Eames turned to rapidly emerging technologies with the goal of adapting these new industrial processes to the creation of furnishings. They experimented relentlessly with everything from bent plywood, to stamped metal, to fiberglass reinforced plastic, to welded wire. The latter inspired a series of chairs, chair bases, an experimental sofa, and a table base that could be adapted for both large and small surfaces. The Eameses even developed a mass-production technique for simultaneously welding wire rods that Herman Miller adopted to fabricate these designs. The Eames Wire Base Low Table is a result of that experimentation—and has been in continuous production at Herman Miller since 1950.

An angled view of a rectangular Eames Wire Base Low outdoor table with a marble top and black wire base.

The Eameses found hundreds of uses for these small tables, but none more renown than the hosting of a tea ceremony, or chanoyu, held in their newly erected Case Study House to honor a visit from Charlie Chaplin and Isamu Noguchi. Reengineered to weather the elements, today this practical little design is more useful than ever.

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The role of the designer is that of a very good, thoughtful host anticipating the needs of his guests.

More about Charles and Ray Eames

Product Designers Ray and Charles Eames