
Administrative Areas

The work environment is a visible sign of your organization's culture and sends a message to your staff and potential recruits of the value you place on them.

An open collaboration area featuring Social Chairs from the Public Office Landscape system in orange, red and white.
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A healthcare administrative area equipped with benching work areas, green Mirra 2 Chairs and a standing-height collaboration surface.

Better tools, more productive staff

The people who lead and manage the day-to-day business of your healthcare facility need work environments that give them the tools to increase their productivity, comfort, and satisfaction. Make smart decisions on behalf of your staff and organization as you create work environments that address their professional and personal needs.

A positive first impression

Visitors who enter your healthcare facility may be experiencing a range of emotions, from nervousness to joy. The impression your reception area creates plays a role in assuring patients, families, and friends of the importance you place on their experiences.

A curved configuration of the Steps Lounge System, featuring modules of blue, light gray and beige with varying back heights.
A Public Office Landscape workstation with a blue privacy screen and light gray Sayl office chair.

Meeting a variety of work needs

Provide the right solutions for your staff and organization. Our breadth of offering gives you choice in cost, aesthetics, and functionality. You can meet varying needs for privacy or collaboration, technology, meeting and training areas, and storage.

Modular wall-hung Co/Struc System storage components and a mobile procedure and supply cart in a healthcare administrative area.

Adapt to change

Change is the one constant in nearly everything having to do with healthcare delivery. The more flexible the facility, the more effectively it will respond to what comes next. Millwork is a commitment not to change; modular solutions continue to adapt.

Long-term value

Our systems and freestanding furniture solutions are all designed to fit your facility's needs and then evolve as work styles, teams, and organizational structures change. Flexibility increases your ROI and lets you update your environment without significant change to your budget.

Modular Co/Struc System storage components and light blue Sayl stools in a healthcare administrative area.


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Choose healthful seating

Our innovative seating means you have an unparalleled choice of ergonomic chairs in a range of price points. Healthful seating is proof positive that you value your staff.

Rear view of a brown Mirra 2 office chair, showing the back support.

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