Symbol Libraries

Design single workstations or complete floor plans

An overhead illustration of a series of benches overlayed in a teal color wash

Download Our Libraries

Please be patient. Catalog files vary in size and some are quite large. These may take several minutes to download. Once a product catalog has been downloaded, the corresponding menu item will be available.

An overhead view of a lounge area with wireframe couches, a Noguchi coffee table and a storage unit with integrated seating and a Revit Add-In symbol in the bottom right corner.

Revit Add-In

CAD Pack Furniture Manager is an Add-In utility for Revit Architecture. It provides a Family Library of Herman Miller products for use in designing workspaces or complete floor plans.

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Download Revit Add-In

An overhead view of a conference table with Mirra 2 Chairs and a CAD Pack for AutoCAD Add-In symbol in the bottom right corner.

CAD Pack for AutoCAD

CAD Pack software gives designers an AutoCAD symbol library of Herman Miller products for use in designing single workstations to complete floor plans.

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Download CAD Pack

Materials Libraries

Enhance the expression of your space with unique materials, from textiles to finishes to laminates and more.

Folded, multicolor materials swatches laid out in a row.


These are tileable swatches for rendering that are also compatible with the Autodesk Material Library files.

Download Materials

Two sets of folded, multicolor materials swatches laid out in rows with the back row elevated on a white box.

Materials Libraries

These are Autodesk Material Library files (.adsklib) that can be loaded into Revit for quick access to Herman Miller materials.

Download Materials Libraries


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